Aarskog Media is a one man firm (org. nr. 992 197 099) which was established in February 2008 by Karine Nigar Aarskog. I am a 35 years old all round freelance journalist who came to Svalbard the first time in 2001. I lived permanently in Longyearbyen from 2006 to 2011, and worked as a journalist and photographer in Svalbardposten and as a freelancer in my own company.
I have my education from the School of journalism in Oslo, and all together I have 14 years of experience from newspaper, radio, television and internet. I have worked seven years in Norwegian Broadcasting Company (NRK). I do articles and radio- and television reports on demand. For television I am dependent on a videographer.
When I am not in Norway, I use the whole world as my working space, and I have a peculiar interest in hiking, wilderness and high peaks.
Interested? Please contact me at phone number +4795158407 or my email karine@aarskogmedia.no.